The red Owl (Tyto soumagnei) is an animal belonging to the family of barn owls Tytonidae. The species is also known by its other names, Madagascar the red owl Madagascar grass-owl, and the owl of Soumange.
It is a unique native of Madagascar which was nearly unnoticed until the discovery of 1876 until its discovery by researchers with the World Wide Fund for Nature in 1993. It is currently considered at risk due to habitat loss however, recent research has found it to have more range than initially thought, but more research rega
The Madagascar red owl (Tyto soumagnei), are tiny brightly colored owls belonging to the family of barn owls. They are classified as biologically part of the tytonidae family. Although red owls exhibit several differences when compared with barn owls, they’re additionally known to resemble their relatives in a large variety of traits.
Red owls have a reclusive nature and were discovered again when the species was first discovered in 1876, as at one time they had disappeared completely. Red owls participate in roosting throughout the day but are their most active during the night.
The vibrant orange-red plumage, patterned with black spots make the owls a beautiful sight to behold. Continue reading to learn more fascinating facts concerning red owls. After you have read about this kind of barn owls, you could also learn about house finches as well as information about barn owls.

The red owl is similar to the cosmopolitan barn Owl, however it the size is smaller (27-30 centimeters) and features a rich plumage of orange with black spots. It is believed to reside in moist evergreen forest as well as dry deciduous forests to the eastern part of the island. It can be present in primary forests and in disturbed secondary forests (possibly even in human-made open spaces).
It feeds on native small mammals such as Tenrecs (Tenrecidae) and the tufted-tailed rats (as as opposed in contrast to barn owls which is a dietary source for imported species). It nests and rests in the tree cavities, and along high cliffs that are covered in dense vegetation.
How Red Owl Sound :
The sound from the red owl sounds like that for Barn owl. They produce the same 1.5 to 2.0 second long hiss with an even frequency , with the slightest downwards in frequency towards the close. This slight drop in frequency near the close of the call differentiates between the red and barn owl.
The red owl makes a sound when it leaves the roost , right following the departure from the roost location as well as when it hears other red owls during the night.
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