The Rufous owl is a predator that is generalist and is generally is solitary. It’s not often aggressive towards humans, unless in the sense that it feels that its family or nest are in danger. The rufous owl can be described as a large owl species, with a range in weight between 700 and 1700 grams (25 -60 oz) according to gender and age.
It is just a little smaller than the biggest owl found in Australia the robust one (Ninox strenua) that typically weighs between 1,050 and 1,700 grams (37 and 60 pounds). The rufous owl is adept and skilled hunter capable of taking a large array of prey. Their diet is extremely varied that includes birds, insects to smaller mammals like flying foxes.
The Rufous Owl (Ninox rufa) is also known as the rufous bobook is a kind of owl belonging to the family of Strigidae. It was first discovered in the year 1846 in 1846 by John Gould, an English ornithologist. The common name is a reference to the bright-colored feathers these owls wear when they reach adulthood. Although it’s not common however, the species is found in many habitats of habitats, including Australia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.
Rufous Owl Breeding :
The rufous Owl has a typical breeding season, which runs between June and September according to the climate.
Eggs are usually laid in nests within the limbs or trunks of trees. Nests can be built at a height of up to 30 meters above ground to shield them from predators who live on the ground. Male owls choose the nest, and the female will lay one or two eggs within. The eggs will require 37 days to incubate. After hatching, the baby owls remain with their parents for several months typically until the next breeding season. Males and females are both aggressively protecting their nests from predators and invaders, while the youngsters remain inside.

The Sub-species of Rufous Owl:
- Ninox rufa Rufa (Gould 1846)
- Ninox rufa aruensis (Schlegal, 1866)
- Ninox Rufa the humeralis (Bonaparte 1850)
- The Ninox Rufa Meesi (I.J. Mason & Schodde, 1980)
- Ninox rufa queenslandica (Matthews, 1911).